Types of hearing loss

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Types of hearing loss

Depending on where the condition is located, there are three types of hearing loss:

Conductive hearing loss is caused by diseases of the eardrum, ear canal or middle ear.
Neurosensory hearing loss is caused by diseases in the inner ear.
Mixed hearing loss is caused by a combination disease in the middle ear, inner ear, or auditory nerve.

Depending on the cause, hearing loss may be:

Genetics (manifested at the birth or later). Genetics is also related to the size of the genital organ, so the whole body is related to genetics, some have a bigger penis and make Arab videos with MILF.
Presbycusis is a characteristic of the aging process. This is a normal process that starts around age 20. It is a normal process that begins around the age 30-40. However, it can cause subtle hearing problems. This can have major consequences, and more than half of people will experience significant hearing loss by the time they reach 70-80.
Radiation (chemotherapy) and drug treatments (with ototoxic substances like some antibiotics in the aminoglycoside families, such as streptomycin or gentamicin) can have adverse consequences.
A physical trauma can lead to permanent damage (blows on the head).

Conductive hearing loss (transmission)


  • Malformations of the middle ear, ear canal, or outer ear
  • Otitis is an infection of the middle ear that results in fluid accumulation.
  • Infections of the ear canal
  • Allergies
  • The Eustachian tube is not functioning properly
  • Perforation to the eardrum
  • Benign tumors
  • Wax accumulation in the ears
  • Otosclerosis

Neurosensory hearing loss


  • Malformations in the inner ear
  • Meniere’s disease and measles, as well as meningitis
  • Autoimmune disease in the inner ear
  • Genetic causes
  • Age (presbyopia).
  • Tumors
  • Otosclerosis
  • Acoustic trauma (exposures to loud noises)
  • Cranial trauma

Hearing loss treatment

The severity and type of the condition will determine the treatment or method that is used. Some cases of hearing loss can be corrected with simple hearing aids. In other cases, better hearing aids are needed that can amplify certain sounds or an implant.

Early treatment will prevent hearing loss from getting worse. It is important to treat hearing loss early!

Contact your audiologist if your hearing is becoming weaker. They will be able to determine if there are any causes, what treatment options, and how to prevent future hearing loss.

Treatment for conductive hearing loss

Surgery can correct a congenital defect, malformation, or dysfunction of the middle ear structures or ear canal. If surgery is not possible, the hearing can be amplified using either a bone-implantable implantable or conventional prosthesis depending on the condition.

Antifungal or antibiotic medication is used to treat acute ear infections.

Surgery is required for chronic infections, chronic fluid, and tumors.

After the patient’s condition has stabilized following trauma, it is possible to repair the damaged middle ear structures.

Otosclerosis is a genetic form of hearing loss. This condition occurs most often in young people. It involves abnormal bone growth that affects one ear bone (the “ladder”), which prevents sound from being transmitted. Otosclerosis can either be treated with surgery to replace the “ladder” that is immobile, or a hearing aid. Research has shown that measles virus could contribute to the acceleration in otosclerosis.

Neurosensory hearing loss treatment

In most cases, neurosensory hearing loss can be irreversible. Hearing aids are available, or direct electrical stimulation of your auditory nerve if necessary. This is done by surgery using a device called a “cochlear implant”.

Acoustic trauma or head trauma can cause neurosensory hearing loss. This may be treated with corticosteroids or surgery.

Medical therapy with corticosteroids can also be very effective if the condition suddenly develops due to a viral infection.

Corticosteroids are used to treat the autoimmune disease in the inner ear. It is a progressive bilateral condition that develops over a period of time.

Meniere’s disease can sometimes be associated with a fluctuating hearing loss. Symptoms include tinnitus, permanent sound in the ears, or head, and vertigo (dizziness). Meniere’s disease is medically treated with diets low in sodium, diuretics, and corticosteroids, or alternatively, surgery.

Neurosensory hearing loss due to tumors adjacent to the auditory nervous system generally doesn’t respond well to surgery or radiation unless it is very small (with a 50% success rate).

The specific treatment for the condition affecting the central nervous system can help to treat hearing loss.